How to create and delete Databases

Databases are used by many scripts to make storing a lot of information really simple and easy, instead of say, using thousands of files, a script can use a single database with several tables.

Creating a Database

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Click on MySQL Databases
  3. Under the Create New Database header, type the name of your new database (eg. forum)
  4. Click on Create Database

A new database will be created with the full name of webuser_databasename and is ready for use with your scripts.

Removing a Database

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Click on MySQL Databases
  3. Under the Current Databases header is a list of the database on your account
  4. Click Delete Database from the Actions column to remove a database

Removal of a database means removal of EVERYTHING within that database so before removing any database you should always take a backup before hand.

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